Before people started using blogspot or any other kind of blog, I kind of swore to myself that I wouldn't succumb to other blogs, that I would forever stay loyal to xanga. But even after post after post, xanga just does not seem the same anymore. So here I am, kind of kicking myself that I made an account to blogspot, but somewhat happy because I don't have to blog in the obsolete xanga world.
I can't believe work is starting in a week. I feel like my whole summer is ending already. Even though my job didn't even start yet, I'm already dreading it.
Haha...its so crazy how high schoolers are just ending high school, meanwhile I've already been out of school for a month. I kind of miss high school. Senior year was definitely fun with all the nonsense school-cutting. One time in January, my friends and I stupidly decided to cut school on the coldest day and head into the city. As we were walking past the NBC building, some girl stopped us and asked if we would like to be a part of a live audience. We went in somewhat excited and curious, but then as we sat down, we realized that we were on one of those Montel-like shows. The host's name was something like Dr. Keith Ablow?? Anyway, it was seriously like a PG-13 version of Jerry Springer. As soon as commercial break came on, we bounced out of there so quickly. Hahaha I cringe every time I see a commercial for that show now.
Hahahahah I was completing my staff training course on my computer and I kid you not, this was one of the slides. Hahahaha I couldn't stop laughing.